Tag Archives: cooking blogs

Happy Summer and Blogging Updates!😊


Hope this yummy photo grabbed your attention!

This one is from my first cookbook, Not Just for Vegetarians. One of my all time favorite food photos.Wish I could take credit for the actual photograph but the recipes ARE all mine!😊

Just a quick update post for today but more recipes crafts, Mr. Cheddar updates… to follow!

I’ve decided to resurrect my two WordPress blogs, this one and also, my poetry blog: My Poetic Path.

I have missed posting here at WordPress and also visiting my favorite WP blogs on a regular basis.

Stop by to read all the details HERE.

I’ll be back soon with a new Veggie…post.

For now, Happy Summer!😁

Book Review AND Recipes! :-) 750 Best Muffin Recipes by Camilla V. Saulsbury



From the Vegan Muffins section:

Chai Latte Muffins

Scented with many of the spices of chai, these muffins are wonderful with hot black tea.

Makes 12 muffins

 12-cup muffin pan, greased

1 cup vanilla-flavored non-dairy milk (soy, almond, rice, hemp)   250 ml

2 tbsp loose black tea  30 mL

2 cups  all-purpose flour  500 mL

2 tsp  baking powder 10 mL

11⁄2 tsp  ground cinnamon  7 mL

11⁄2 tsp  ground cardamom  7 mL

1⁄2 tsp  ground ginger 2 mL

1⁄2 tsp  baking soda   2 mL

1⁄2 tsp   salt 2 mL

1⁄4 tsp  ground cloves 1 mL

2⁄3 cup packed light brown sugar     150 mL

2⁄3 cup plain soy yogurt   150 mL

1⁄3 cup vegetable oil 75 mL

1 tsp vanilla extract    5 mL

  1. In a small saucepan, bring milk and tea to a simmer over medium heat. Remove from heat, cover and let steep for 10 minutes. Strain through a fine-mesh sieve into a medium bowl, discarding tea leaves, and let cool.
  2. Preheat oven to 400°F (200°C).
  3. In a large bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder, cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, baking soda, salt and cloves.
  4. Whisk brown sugar, yogurt, oil and vanilla into milk mixture until well blended.
  5. Add the yogurt mixture to the flour mixture and stir until just blended.
  6. Divide batter equally among prepared muffin cups.
  7. Bake for 19 to 23 minutes or until tops are golden brown and a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Let cool in pan on a wire rack for 5 minutes, then transfer to the rack to cool.



From the Breakfast Muffins section:

Raspberry Oat Muffins

These tempting, raspberry-filled muffins are a nice (and healthy) way to get started in the morning.

 Makes 15 muffins

Preheat oven to 400°F (200°C)

Two 12-cup muffin pans, 15 cups greased

2 cups  all-purpose flour  500 mL

1 cup large-flake (old-fashioned) rolled oats  250 ml

1 cup  packed light brown sugar   250 mL

2 tsp baking powder 10 mL

1⁄2 tsp   baking soda   2 mL

1⁄2 tsp   salt 2 mL

1⁄2 tsp  ground allspice   2 mL

1 egg  

1 cup milk 250 mL

1⁄4 cup unsalted butter, melted 60 mL

1 tsp vanilla extract  5 mL

11⁄2 cups raspberries  375 mL

1⁄4 cup granulated sugar  60 mL


  1. In a large bowl, whisk together flour, oats, brown sugar, baking powder, baking soda, salt and allspice.
  2. In a medium bowl, whisk together egg, milk, butter and vanilla until well blended.
  3. Add the egg mixture to the flour mixture and stir until just blended. Gently fold in raspberries.
  4. Divide batter equally among prepared muffin cups. Sprinkle with granulated sugar.
  5. Bake in preheated oven for 16 to 21 minutes or until tops are light golden brown and a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Let cool in pans on a wire rack for 5 minutes, then transfer to the rack to cool.

Courtesy of 750 Best Muffin Recipes by Camilla V. Saulsbury

© 2010 www.robertrose.ca Reprinted with publisher permission.


As any of my regular readers already know, I’m a BIG fan of muffins! So, when I had the opportunity to test-drive this MASSIVE muffin collection, I was a happy camper! 😉

And 750 Best Muffin Recipes did not disappoint. This is a fantastic baking book and one that every muffin lover needs to have! 

So far, I have made the:

-Toasted Walnut Muffins (Satisfying and not too sweet, perfect for breakfast)

-Oatmeal and Prune Muffins ( I ♄ prunes and these are VERY satisfying, with a nice “toothsome” texture)

Brown Rice and Cheese Muffins (These were AMAZING served with the Cream of Cauliflower and Tarragon Soup from The Groovy Green Kitchen II: Simply, Super, Supper Soups)

And on the menu today:

-Coconut Crumb Muffins (These look so delish, LOADED with coconut in the muffins and topping them too)

I’m planning to try one or two new muffin recipes each week, to work my way through this book. That’s going to take a while but what a yummy journey it will be. 😉

What do I like about this cookbook, well…everything actually!

The recipes are creative, original, easy to make, LOTS of variety (and that includes everything from the top muffin classics, coffeehouse gourmet muffins, gluten free muffins and a good selection of vegan ones too!)

Another plus, from what I’ve noted so far, none of the recipes are heavy on sugar or a lot of other unhealthy ingredients…it really is the ultimate muffin-lovers collection and I’m so glad to have a copy to enjoy, again and again and again!

The only thing that I am tweaking a bit in each recipe is when adding: coconut, fruit, nuts, etc…to the mix. I always add these with the dry ingredients, (not as the last additions)  to dredge them with the flour etc. and to help to keep them from sinking to the bottom of the muffins when mixed. A little baking tip that has worked well over the years. No problem making this slight change and for me, it’s just a long-time personal preference.

And I hope you enjoy the two luscious muffin recipes featured above,that were graciously provided by Robert Rose, the publishers of this cookbook. Stop by their site to see all their bestselling cookbook choices.

And definitely DO plan to order a copy of 750 Best Muffin Recipes soon!

750 Best Muffin Recipes (Amazon.ca) 

750 Best Muffin Recipes (Amazon.com)

Now I’m off to the kitchen to get those muffin cups ready! 😉

Happy Baking!  


Spiced Pumpkin Seed and Cashew Crunch

***Doesn’t these look like a yummy snack option?***

Thanks to Chef Julianna for this spiced nut-mix recipe.

I’m planning to make some later this week. Looks like a keeper! 😉

Happy Snacking.

Foodie On Board

Pumpkin Seed and Cashew Crunch Pumpkin Seed and Cashew Crunch

Everyone loves a party, right?  Especially in the bleak winter months of January and February when we all need a lift!  Well, when I heard that Angie over at The Novice Gardener was hosting a Friday night blog party called Fiesta Friday, I thought it would be fun to hang out with a bunch of like-minded bloggers and mix and mingle a bit. So, like I normally do when I’m going to a pot-luck, I hit my back issues of Bon AppĂ©tit magazine to search for some inspiration for my contribution.  When I saw this recipe I knew what I was bringing!  It’s perfect for a party and I could make a double batch as afternoon snacks for my husband and I. This is an awesome recipe! Let me tell you, we have been nibbling away at the bowl since yesterday and you guys

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The Groovy Green Kitchen: Weeknight Veggie Slow Cooker – A Book Review

***Thanks to Chef Julianna at Foodie on Board for this wonderful review of my new cookbook: The Groovy Green Kitchen, Weeknight Veggie Slow Cooker. ***

Happy Cooking and Weekend to All! 🙂

Foodie On Board

The Groovy Green Kitchen The Groovy Green Kitchen

I have only been blogging for about 7 months now, but it has opened up a whole new world to me: one brought to life by talented, creative, and friendly people – fellow bloggers.  I really had no idea just how much I would enjoy “hanging out” with this positive, energetic bunch of people who give so much time and energy to supporting and encouraging one another.  So today I thought I would give back a bit, and celebrate the talent of a prolific food blogger.  Geraldine Hartman of Veggies, Yarns and Tails is the author of a number of cookbooks, several books of Haiku and a novel.  I recently acquired a copy of Geraldine’s, “The Groovy Green Kitchen:  Weeknight Veggie Slow Cooker”, and recovered my slow cooker from the back of a cupboard where it had been languishing for a number of years.  

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Sift, Stir & Savour

Last year I was obsessed with eggnog. This year I’m obsessed with cookies.

Healthy Cookies

So when I was asked to be a part of a healthy christmas cookie round-up that Sandra from Candida Diet Plan was organizing, I was pretty excited! Sandra was able to organize 18 different bloggers, which means there are 18 scrumptious cookies to drool over. And these aren’t just any cookies, these are healthy cookies- virtually all of the recipes are gluten-free and loads of them are also grain-free, dairy-free, egg-free, refined sugar-free and vegan. So, what are you waiting for? Here are the links to all of the cookies:

Sugar-Free Sugar Cookies (Candida Free Candee)

Dark Chocolate Truffle Cookies (Tessa the Domestic Diva)

Macadamia Coconut Cookies (Candida Diet Plan)


No-Bake Chocolate Pumpkin Cookies (Gluten-Free Cat)

Jungle Balls (Carrie on Vegan)

Raw Gingerbread Men (Om Nom Ally)


Chocolate Orange Gogi Cookies (Coconut and Berries)

Spiced Orange Cookies

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