Tag Archives: blog update

Happy Summer and Blogging Updates!😊


Hope this yummy photo grabbed your attention!

This one is from my first cookbook, Not Just for Vegetarians. One of my all time favorite food photos.Wish I could take credit for the actual photograph but the recipes ARE all mine!😊

Just a quick update post for today but more recipes crafts, Mr. Cheddar updates… to follow!

I’ve decided to resurrect my two WordPress blogs, this one and also, my poetry blog: My Poetic Path.

I have missed posting here at WordPress and also visiting my favorite WP blogs on a regular basis.

Stop by to read all the details HERE.

I’ll be back soon with a new Veggie…post.

For now, Happy Summer!😁

Notice of Email Address Updates

Hope you all have a beautiful, memorable Autumn.

My favorite season is here again! 😂



Effective immediately, please use one of the following new email addresses to contact me:


For product and book review requests and anything pertaining to my review blog, My Real Life Reviews,  please use:

myreallifereviews   @  gmail  .com   (spaces removed)

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For emails pertaining to Veggies, Yarns & Tails, My Poetic Path  and my own eBooks, cookbooks, etc…please use:

geraldine  h hartman   @ gmail   .com  (spaces removed)


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And do visit my new author’s blog for upcoming Kindle eBook promos for September and October, recipes, updates, etc…


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Hello Again! Early Autumn Update


Hope everyone had a great summer! 

I’m having a wonderful early autumn, currently visiting Vancouver Island and will probably be moving here soon too.

You can read all the details here:Autumn Update

It was a very hectic summer for us so the “chill time” we are now enjoying is much needed and appreciated.

I hope to be back to blogging on a more regular basis in the next few weeks. But for now, sending you all best wishes and thanks for your continued support of my blogs/books…it is most appreciated!



Wooo…hoo, 200+ Followers at Veggies…

Thank you so much for signing up to follow my WP blogs, here at Veggies…

…and also at my poetry blog: My Poetic Path.

I hope you’ll enjoy many posts at all my blogs, as time goes by.

I’ll try to keep things interesting and yummy too. 🙂

And speaking of yummy, I need to get back to posting more recipes, soon.


I’ve been blogging on and off for quite a few years and with a few different blogs.

But when I quit, I always missed it and came back.


Now to ‘fess up a bit…

Up until recently, I hesitated to sign up to follow any blogs, as I mistakenly thought that I would receive an email for each new post from every blog I followed. And I already have waaaay too many emails to read, every week.

Silly me!!!

I realize now, that’s not the case, unless it’s my preference.

So now, I happily click along the WP Reader list, enjoying new posts from the many blogs I’m following.

And my 8 (yes 8) inboxes aren’t any more crowded than they already were. 😉

And what great new blogs I’ve been finding recently too, in addition to my old favs.

I’m like a kid in a candy store! 😉

Again, thank you for your visits, comments, likes and follows.

All appreciated. 🙂


What do you like most about blogging?

And if you’ve been blogging for quite a while, have you also quit and come back?


PS: I have one more (Blogger) blog, in case you’d like to check it out too, for product/book reviews:

My Real Life Reviews