10 Under $20: Holiday Gift Suggestion List 2015 :-)

first of
brought thoughts
of Christmas magic.
The Day, so soon to arrive.
Our expectations ran high.
Through snow days and blizzards.
Making a list and checking it twice.
Santa’s letter printed and ready to mail.
Christmas baking: heady, wonderful aromas.
Pageants at school, with costumes of many colors.
The tall lush evergreen, centerpiece of the season.
We decorated so carefully; each bough lovingly adorned.
With some old, some new, every one used and none forgotten.
The long days of dark December. Finally, homework complete.
Sitting in the darkened living room; time alone to drift away.
Marvelling at the masterpiece of lights and shining ornaments.
Gazing far beyond to the bliss to follow. Hurry, hurry, hurry!
Christmas eve: midnight mass and carolling.Treats aplenty!
Then the long awaited, special treasures.
The secrets of shining boxes and ribbons.
Finally revealed and always worth the wait.
Off to sleep, to dream of a perfect snowy Christmas Day.
Now content, to still remember these childhood memories.
November day.


This is a Christmas-themed poem that I wrote, several years ago.
These lines still conjure up some wonderful holiday memories for me, from long ago. I hope you enjoy it too. 😉


My Holiday Gift Suggestion List for 2015 (all under $20) including links to my reviews.

                TCM Greatest Classic Films Collection: Hitchcock Thrillers (Suspicion / Strangers on a Train / The Wrong Man / I Confess)

TCM: Hitchcock Thrillers DVD

A must-have DVD collection for the “Hitch” fan on your list!


The Power of Reiki

One of the best books on Reiki I’ve ever read! 

Down & Dirty (gardening book)

My all-time fav gardening book.

Fun and Easy Gardening for even the “green thumb challenged“! 😉

Crafting with Cat Hair  >^^<

A Mr. Cheddar Approved Title! 

Never Too Late to Go Vegan

Enlightening and Informative. Recipes Too! 

Seven Year Pen - Bee Happy

The Seven Year Pen

Wonderful Pens! Mine Are Still Going Strong, Years Later! 🙂

Check out our Green Gifts Guide for tons of eco-friendly seed paper gift ideas for the season.

Botanical Paperworks

Beautiful Eco-Friendly Stationary, with a Difference!

Larry Payne's Prime of Life Yoga- Immune Booster and General Conditioning - Level One

Larry Payne’s Prime of Life Yoga DVDs

Yoga CAN Be For Almost Everyone! 

Badger Sleep Balm 2 oz Tin - Lavender and Bergamot

Badger Sleep Balm

Sooooo relaxing!!! ZZZZZzzzzz…. 😉

Suncoat Peelable Nail Polish Kit

My Go-To Tootsie Polish! It’s Great.


♥Happy Shopping and Holidays♥ 

9 responses

  1. Reblogged this on My Poetic Path and commented:

    A holiday poem and my 2015 gift suggestion list!

    Happy Shopping and Holidays 🙂

  2. PS: I wrote this post before I had read or heard any news re: the Paris tragedy. My heart goes out to all those affected.

    We can never give up on goodness and peace but these kinds of events do shake most of us to the core. I cried this morning…. RIP.

  3. Love your Christmas tree poem. And a great list of reasonably priced gifts.

  4. A lovely poem and fun list of good presents! Thanks for visiting the Marmelade Gypsy — I notice you have a marmy too on your sidebar! Very handsome!

  5. wonderful list, thank you. it is that time of year!
    wishing you lovely end of autumn days.

  6. Thanks Joe!

    And thank you, Lady Fi! 🙂

    I have passed along your kind words to the amazing Mr. Cheddar, he appreciated them. 😉

    Yes, it is that time of year Tammie. Wishing you a lovely end of autumn too.

    Happy Shopping and Weekend, G

  7. Loved your poem and the gift ideas, Geraldine! I still have to try yoga. My sister gave me her dvd and I “won” a mat in a gift exchange, so I have no excuse. But I need to set aside quiet time for the floor and that isn’t easy. 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving, my friend..xo

  8. Thanks Lauren. I think you would LOVE yoga, based on what I know about you, at your blog. And believe me, if you do like it, you will wonder how you managed without it! 😉 I have been practicing yoga on and off for over 20 years and it is something I always miss and come back to, when I take a break. Flexibility, relaxation, movement…what’s not to love? Let me know how it goes.

Thanks so much for your comments!