Book Review: The Power of Reiki


I’ve always been intrigued and interested in Reiki.

I recently had the opportunity to read:

The Power of Reiki by Tanmaya Honervogt

This is THE best Reiki book that I’ve read to date. 

Here’s my review from

As a person who truly believes in holistic healthcare and the power of the mind/body connection for healing, I’ve always been intrigued by Reiki.

Up until now, I haven’t actually had any Reiki treatments or training to do them for other people. But after reading this book, I now feel that I want to take that next step and explore Reiki in much more depth.

The Power of Reiki is a beautiful book. With full color photos throughout (much preferred to diagrams) it explains in detail what Reiki is really all about. A simple but powerful discipline that has been embraced by millions of people around the world and that has also stood the test of time, in terms of its effectiveness.

Topics covered in this book include:

-the history of Reiki

-Reiki in daily life

-Reiki and it’s meaning

-On healing and illness

and many others.

After reading this book, my interest is not only piqued to pursue classes in Reiki, I already feel that I would be capable of doing simple Reiki procedures on myself at this point, and for family members. Something that has never happened before, when I read other books on this topic.

If you’ve been wanting to find out more about Reiki in an interesting and easy to understand way, this is a book you won’t want to miss.

Highly recommended!


PS: Have you or your family tried Reiki? What are your thoughts on this discipline, if you have?

I’d love to hear about your personal experiences! 🙂

9 responses

  1. The best energy medicine is nutritious diet, exercise, some down time and a bit of spiritualism. I may have a bit of acceptance of this protocol only as far as meditation. Ain’t no such thing as magical beams.

  2. Reiki is a healing force that has been around for a very long time. That in itself says a lot.

    This is a very nice looking book, I’m looking forward to reading it soon. Great review.

  3. I never thought I’d “believe” in Reiki, but my daughter and my yoga friends introduced me to Reiki. I feel a sense of intense heat that is very present and very real. Undeniably healing. My daughter and I worked with a Reiki Master last year to achieve 2nd level certification. All I can say is that the more I discover about Reiki the more I “believe” in it and want to deepen my knowledge and my experience!

  4. I agree with all your choices Carl, all positive and helpful. But reiki is a lot more than magical beams. 😉

    Energy fields surround all of us, it’s only one step further to understand and believe in the power of touch and using that energy to heal. I’m a believer. 🙂

    Yes Joe, It certainly has stood the test of time and for me, that also speaks volumes.

    Thanks for your insightful comment, Chocolate! 😉 Love your blog name. And welcome to Veggies…

    Have a great week, G

  5. Geraldine, Granny always practices Reiki on me, when I don’t feel good and it makes me feel so much better. She also helps other animals when they need it, mostly on a distance. The first time she ever heard about Reiki, was about 30 years ago. She had eczema on her belly, that didn’t get away after docter and hospital treatments. So a furriend of her, that practiced Reiki, did Reiki on her, three days in a row, half an hour long and guess what, it was gone and never came back. She also got Reiki when she was feeling very depressed. We don’t think Reiki is a belief, it is universal energy that we all have inside us and that is around us. We use it unconsciously when a child falls and we lay our hand on the sore place. Pawkisses for a happy Monday and one Extra for Mr Cheddar 🙂

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog and liking something. Always nice to meet a fellow animal lover.

  7. My sister does Reiki – very powerful! Thanks for posting this!

  8. Sounds like a good book to read! I remember when I lived in Japan my host mother used to do reiki every night. She swore by it. Oddly enough I have never thought about trying it. hmmm maybe I will look more into it now.

  9. Thanks for sharing these interesting reiki experiences Angel, sounds like reiki has helped you and your meeeowmie a lot. Good stuff.😀🐱

    I agree Tony.🐱 Welcome to Veggies…and thanks for your comments too.

    I wonder if your sister has read this book Carole? I’m guessing she’d enjoy it.😀

    That’s so cool that you lived in Japan, Genkitty! Thanks for sharing that experience too.

    Happy week to all,G

Thanks so much for your comments!