Tag Archives: dieting

A Very Easy Diet Tip (that works) ;-)



olive oilI have been making a real effort over the summer to get into even better shape, fitness-wise.

Although I regularly do a lot of walking (fitness walking usually indoors with a DVD and leisure walking out and about) and also yoga, I had not kept up my strength training as much as I should have. That I have been really working on and my arms in particular are looking a lot more toned now and I’m much stronger too. What a great feeling! 🙂

Another thing I’ve been working on is to stop snacking at night and for this I found an easy way to make that possible, every day.

Here’s my easy diet tip:

I take 1-2 Tablespoons of Extra Light Tasting Olive Oil on an empty stomach (one hour before or after eating/drinking anything else) during the day (for me, it’s usually just 1 T. at around 3 PM)  and voila, my desire to snack or to overeat is gone. It might sound amazing but it works. And without using the oil, I have to have a snack at night or I can’t fall asleep. 

This is something I learned while following the Shangri-La diet, several years ago. 

You can read more about the oil I am using for this “diet” and also about my previous experiences with the Shangri-La diet here.

Sometimes simple can work better than anything! 🙂

I’m soooo happy not to be snacking after supper anymore, otherwise eating sensibly but pretty well what I like and STILL losing weight easily.

Happy Weekend!Â