Product Review: Badger Sleep Balm


Badger Sleep Balm 2 oz Tin - Lavender and Bergamot


Here’s my review:

I’m a big fan of several Badger products, especially their Damascus Rose Face Oil (click to read my review).

But when it came to this Sleep Balm, I must admit, I was a bit skeptical.How nice to find out that it works great! 😉

I am not a good sleeper on many a night. 😦 But when I apply Badger Sleep Balm under my nose (and sometimes a bit on my forehead too) I am relaxed,sleepy and ready to sleep, only a short time later.

It really does help to calm my mind, unwind and fall asleep.Helps me to stay asleep longer too, with a deeper sleep. 

My only (minor) complaint: I wish the scent of lavender was just a bit stronger but that’s a small thing and I’d much rather have a product with less scent than too much. 😉

An all organic ingredient list and reasonable price are bonuses too!

And I love their pretty, reusable containers; perfect for little gifts too.

If you have trouble falling asleep and/or staying asleep, give this product a try.


And some additional info. from the Amazon product page:

  • The fragrance of the essential oils in this special balm helps to calm thoughts and clear the mind, allowing sleep to come naturally.
  • There are no drugs in this product – no side-effects to worry about. It is safe and natural.
  • The cute and portable tin makes an ideal travelling companion.

Sweet Dreams! Zzzz…… 😉

7 responses

  1. I understand badgers aren’t very friendly.

  2. I don’t know if this is working as I havetried to comment 3 times now. But what I said was that lavender tea is very soothing.

  3. Teehee Carl, no badgers are actually involved in the making of this product. 😉

    I’m sorry to read that re: the comments Jenny. 😦 I agree about lavender though, it is very soothing.

    Have a great week, G

  4. I must buy a pot for my Dad!

  5. I have tried this too and it does work. I’ll have to remember to use it more often.

  6. Must try this I have no trouble going to sleep, head, pillow, die that’s me, it’s just that 5 hrs later and the brain kicks in , starts whirring and I’m awake 🙂

  7. Let me know if he likes it Lady Fi!

    Yes, it really does Joe, so glad I found out about this product.

    I think it would help with that issue too Blondie, let me know if you give it a try.

    Sweet Dreams, G ZZZZzzzzzz…… 🙂

Thanks so much for your comments!