Definitely NOT a Mitz-approved contest!


First of all, the Mitz wants to make this absolutely clear. She is NOT sponsoring or in favor of this contest!!!

She wanted all her fans to be in the know about that, right from the start. She has grudgingly agreed to allow this silly ‘cherry-topped Mitz sundae’ photo to be displayed, for how long, one can only guess.

Anyhoo…..This is a caption contest to celebrate the wonder of Mitz and the beginning of the ‘fall, back-to-school, seasons changing, soups on, time to look forward and make plans before the winter sets in’….kind of contest.   

Think of the funniest, most clever and wittiest caption that you can , in honor of our cherry-topped Mitz.    🙂

Email your caption entry to: ghartman   at  (no spaces) by September 30th to be eligible. Enter as often as you like (you can include more than one entry per email) and please include: Caption Contest in the subject space of your email.

All entries will be forwarded along (without names attached of course) to be judged independently by some of my pals at Blogads, who have graciously agreed to be judges for this contest.

The winner will receive- 2 signed copies of Not Just for Vegetarians- just in time for getting started on heartier cooking, with the months (sigh…..) of cooler weather on the way.

PS: The Mitz also wanted to mention, her tiny pink ‘bald spot’ has filled in nicely since this pic. was taken. A mosquito was the culprit, yikes, they can’t leave anyone alone. Then the Mitz got itching !!!!

17 responses

  1. email friend Elaine

    I think the cherry looks adorable on Mitzi. Just tell her how cool she will be in this hot weather we are having. (I know, I know, she is a COOL cat.

  2. What a great idea for a contest! I’ll have to start thinking. 🙂

  3. *chuckle* She looks sufficiently miffed. 😉

  4. Mitz is so generous to pose patiently for this darling photo. Time to put on my creative hat and think up a caption.

  5. Cute! Embarrassment understood Mitz. Sometimes meowmies get a little fun in at our expense. From your friends at Dori’s place.

  6. Gonna have to think on this one for a bit. The Mitz deserves something witty!

  7. Purrfect caption offering …. well, maybe not purrfect, but somehow seems “appropo” ….


    Chill out Mitz!!

    Cheers Ger & Joe
    your bud, Kathie

  8. Run, Mitz! My mom never makes us wear fruit, you can come live with us!

    I’m going to have to put on my thinking cap for this.

  9. I’ll be thinkin’… put my editing “talent” to some cheery cherry use! Enjoy your weekend, G, and Mitz!

    Luv ‘n’ stuff,
    Mat ‘n’ K

  10. Is her head remarkably small or is that the largest cherry ever grown?

  11. Ooo-ooo…I want one of those cookbooks! I have a caption idea already and I’m sending it on! And just so you know, I’ve never won anything in my life (but no pressure, G–HA!).

  12. Hi Elaine, How about you tell Mitz, the next time you see her, like I said in the post above, she is NOT amused!!!

    Hi Beth, Keep them coming!!!

    Hi Dawn, That’s a good word for it!

    Hi MaryAnne, The Mitz shook the cherry off a few times hence its slightly lopsided position, it was click or FORGET IT Meowmie!!

    Thank you oh Dori cats….I need all the support I can get. The Mitz

    Hi Sheep, Do send your wittiest captions soon!!!

    Hi Kath, I will pass along the GOOD advice.

    Hi Wills, Its too far to run but I may check out Air Canada….thanks for the support. No fruit eh, Meowmie are you reading ALL these comments? The Mitz

    Hi K, Think on, cherry and cheery, good combo!

    Hi and welcome KM, Your blog is terrif!!! My first visit there this morning. The cherry was very large. The Mitz’s head, petite but not overly so.

    Hi Kim, No pressure ’cause I ain’t doing the judging. As I said in the post, out of my hands, I just get to be amused, reading them as they come in….

    Thanks to all of you for stopping by and for all the captions sent in so far. Witty and wonderful!!!

    And from the Mitz….a big thanks to the felines who have shown their ‘tails down’ disapproval. Headbonks friends.

    Can’t please everyone I guess.LOL

    Happy Friday, G 🙂

  13. The Gigolokitty says

    Pretty please with a cherry on top!

  14. What an absolutely adorable picture of the Mitz.
    My cat, Veba, or as I called her “Vebe” was never fond of objects placed on her either, lol. 🙂

  15. […] Geraldine is having a caption contest and is giving away copies of her vegetarian cookbook. The deadline is September 30. […]

  16. I think Mom has me confused with a tin roof sundae. Somebody out there had better tell her that these swirls in my fur are NOT chocolate!

  17. I am not sure if I agree with that last post.

Thanks so much for your comments!