Holiday Greetings and Leaving BC

Hope that you have had a wonderful year in 22; in spite of the craziness going on in the world around us.

I’m convinced now that the best path to real peace and happiness going forward is to “carve out” a good personal space to dwell in and dwell on; not just in the physical sense, but mentally too.

When I get too fixated on “the news” and in particular, some of the very bad decisions being made worldwide by so-called “leaders”, it’s easy to get discouraged and depressed. That will continue to be one of my biggest goals, heading into 23. To dwell on “what I can change” and not nearly so much on “what I can’t”.

There is still joy, goodness, beauty, kindness, integrity….all the good things, in abundance, in this world. And all that still gives me reason to have hope and to feel cautiously optimistic.

Right now, the packing goes ON and ON and on… we are preparing to leave BC, after living in this province for about 15 years. It’s time for a big change and BC is not the province that it was, even 10 years ago. Very expensive to live here now and climate change that continues to “rear it’s ugly head” each summer with the wildfires raging for weeks at a time. Also, no incentives or perks from the government to stay here, just more ways to gouge us it seems. I have some fond memories of BC but not enough to want to stay; that’s been the case for too many years now.

We are deciding between Northern Alberta and Mexico to move to. How is that for a range of options? They both have their pluses and minuses. Time will tell. We plan to check them both out thoroughly and take some time to get a “feel” for what seems like a good place to really settle down and be “at home” in the best sense of that term.

I wish all my blog readers, past, present and future a VERY Merry Christmas and much happiness in the New Year. Here’s hoping it’s a memorable one for all of us, for all the right reasons!

4 responses

  1. Reblogged this on My Poetic Path and commented:

    Happy Holiday Wishes and Leaving BC….

  2. Merry Christmas and all the best for your move.

  3. Wishing you all the best in your new home and adventure, Geraldine. I understand about fire season as we’ve dreaded that for the past 5 years. We plan to move in retirement in 2-3 years. But where? It’s one big question mark where many factors have to be checked off before we pack up. Still in the U.S. though, but that’s one big map, and it depends where our kids are at the time. Anyway, Merry Christmas and wishes for a wonderful, exciting new year! xo

  4. Thanks Christine and all the best to you in 23!

    Yes, the US IS “one big map” Lauren but so many people online say that they can’t afford to live there anymore. Canada too. And of course “the politics” is a big turnoff for a lot of people as well, including myself. We had actually wanted to move to Eastern Europe but then Covid happened and now Putin. Now that is impossible.

    Wherever you end up living Lauren, I hope it works out for the best and in every way. Here’s to new adventures and vistas! 😊

Thanks so much for your comments!